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Karens not slowing down anytime soon
Life after OB

Karen Tills took on an Outward Bound Masters course for her 50th birthday. Now she’s turning 60 and is heading to the high and remote Himalayan valleys.

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Tortuga Launch
Project Refresh

With nearly 1,800 people coming through Anakiwa each year, it's essential that all of our life-saving equipment is fully equipped and ready to rock in the rare case of an emergency.

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Waka Ama
Project Refresh

For years our students have kayaked and sailed their way through the Marlborough Sounds on their Outward Bound course and thanks to Project Refresh Anakiwa, future students will get to experience the uniquely NZ, waka ama.

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Double Watch House
Project Refresh

Your Watch House is a special place during your time at Outward Bound. It where you relax after your busy days, get some time out, and enjoy the company of your Watchmates. That's why we're prioritising building a new double Watch House as a part of Project Refresh Anakiwa.

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Laura Stuart and the Floating Pontoon
Project Refresh

After her accident, Laura was left in a wheelchair. She loved her Outward Bound course, but had trouble getting up to Te Kainga homestead. So as our first major development in Project Refresh Anakiwa, we're doing something about it!

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Project Refresh Anakiwa - A letter from Dick Hubbard
Project Refresh

Anakiwa - for those of us who have been fortunate enough to ‘do’ an Outward Bound course the word Anakiwa is not just a place name, its the soul of Outward Bound. Join us in restoring and refreshing this special location that means so much to so many.